Fresh new faves, just one reload away! Use code REWARD25 to earn a bonus!

All funds and plans purchased for use in Eagle Dining are for the personal use of the owner of the account or plan only and are non-transferable. The Eagle Dining funds and plans cannot be used as a gift card or gift certificate. Except as otherwise expressly stated in these terms, all Eagle Dining funds and plans are non-refundable and will expire at the earlier of the last day of enrollment or employment, as applicable, or the last day of the current semester.

To The Top Plan, Black & Gold Plan, Weekly 10, Eagle Connector 50, Eagle Connector 80, Greek Housing, and Dining Dollars funds are non-refundable.  All meal plans and Bonus Bucks expire at the end of each semester. Dining Dollars balances expire after one year of non-use.

Residential Meal Plans

-Students who live on campus are required to purchase a meal plan.

-Freshman may choose from two unlimited plans: “To the Top” Meal Plan or the “Black and Gold” Meal Plan

-Upperclassmen may choose from either of the two unlimited plans: “To the Top” Meal Plan or the “Black and Gold” Meal Plan or weekly plans: “Weekly 10”

-Greek Housing meal plan is available to active Greek members living in Greek Housing (the Row or Village only).

-The default plan for all students living in campus housing is the “Black & Gold” but students may change their plan.

-Last day to change a meal plan is in accordance with the university student refund schedule.

-Bonus Bucks come with select residential meal plans and will expire at the end of each semester.

- Any meal plan chosen for the Fall will automatically be assigned in the Spring unless a student notifies the Eagle Dining Office by filling out a meal plan change form or cancellation form.

Commuter Meal Plans

-Commuters are not required to purchase a meal plan but may choose any plan.

-Any meal plan chosen for the Fall will automatically be assigned in the Spring unless a student notifies the Eagle Dining Office by filling out a meal plan change form or cancellation form.

Flex Spending Dollars

Bonus Bucks

-Bonus Bucks come with the residential meal plans and will expire at the end of each semester. 

Guaranteed Dining Dollars

Starting in Fall 2024, each semester, students (Hattiesburg campus, 50% or more face-to-face instruction, full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students under the age of 25) will receive $300 in Dining Dollars which can be used at any dining location on campus. The Guaranteed Dining Dollars are billed separately to the student's account, along with other University charges. The $300 Dining Dollars will be loaded on your Student ID at the beginning of each semester. Any remaining Fall Dining Dollars will roll over to the Spring. The remaining balance will reset at the end of the Spring semester. NOTE: The number of online classes can affect your “in-person status” and you will not receive Guaranteed Dining Dollars.

Seymour Bucks

-Seymour Bucks is additional flex spending purchased. They can be purchased in any dollar amount between $25- $500. Example: $125. Seymour Bucks roll over each semester and will expire after 1 year of non-usage.

"Free or Extra" Dollars

"Free or Extra” flex spend dollars will go into effect after initial purchase amount is depleted.


Summer Meal Plans

Enrolled students living on campus for the summer are required to purchase a summer meal plan.

Student Meal Passes

If a student loses their student ID, they should come to the Eagle Dining office to report their card missing.  Eagle Dining will place their plan “ON HOLD” until the student finds or gets a new ID at the USM Image Center. Students must visit the Eagle Dining office to have their meal plan added to their new ID Card. We do suggest that all students download The Get Mobile app for digital access to their meal plans, bonus bucks and/or dining dollars.

Payment Polices

Students may pay for their plans with student accounts, credit/debit cards, or PayPal.

If a student would like to pay with their student account, they must charge their meal plan to their student account before the university charge deadline.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will be given on a case-by-case basis, and in accordance with university guidelines.

All website purchases are considered to be final. Exceptions will be made for processing errors. All refunds for processing errors will be refunded to the credit card used for the purchase.



Enrollment, membership and all related benefits of the ARAMARK Campus Dish Program, or the 'Program ', are offered at the discretion of ARAMARK Educational Services, Inc., or 'AR AMAR K'.  By enrolling or using the Program or placing an order, you agree that you have read and understand these Terms and Conditions and are bound by all of them, as they may be changed from time to time, and you consent to ARAMARK's collection and use of your personal information in accordance with ARAMARK's Privacy Policy.

Participating members in the Program must be legal U.S. residents, lawful permanent residents or any students lawfully present in the U.S. pursuant to valid non-immigrant visas. Members can only enroll in the Program for themselves and may not collect Jam Points or redeem Jam Points for anyone other than themselves. Members cannot represent or act as proxies for other members or non-members.

If ARAMARK accepts your application for enrollment, ARAMARK will establish an account in your name. No purchase is necessary to enroll.

ARAMARK reserves the right at any time to limit Program enrollment. ARAMARK may discontinue membership privileges and void or cancel a member's entire order history if any orders are in the member's account are issued, received or redeemed through fraud or theft or otherwise illegally or not as authorized in these Terms and Conditions or in other current Program rules. These rights are in addition to any other legal or equitable remedy which may be available to ARAMARK under applicable law.

All visitors to CampusDish are also required to comply with the following rules and regulations:


Members shall comply with all rules, laws, and regulations that may be applicable. Members acknowledge that they may only participate in the Program if and to the extent that such participation is permitted by such laws, rules, and regulations. ARAMARK may refuse at any time to enroll an individual, or to restrict, modify, or terminate a member's participation in the Program without liability to the member or any other party, if a member violates any law, rule, or regulation, or if a member's participation in the Program violates any law, rule, or regulation.

Members agree not to misuse the Program privileges by conduct which is detrimental to the Program including, without limitation: (i) attempting to accrue Jam Points or spend Jam Points in a manner inconsistent with the policies of the Program, these Terms and Conditions or the intent of your agreement with ARAMARK; (ii) having multiple accounts; (iii) making purchases on the behalf of other members; or (iv) participating in purchasing or redemption fraud.

Members agree to provide only accurate and true information to the Program at all times.

Members agree to comply with all terms and conditions contained herein and in any of the Program’s offers or promotions at all times.

Members agree to promptly notify the Program of any change in address (either mail or email) by updating their persona l information at CampusDish. This includes a member notifying the Program if the member's AR AMAR K CampusDish (student) Card is lost or stolen.

Name changes must be made in writing and include: supporting legal documentation, a member's signature, the date, and the member's account number. You must send information for name changes to the ARAMARK Dining Office.  For contact information, please visit our Contact Us page.


ARAMARK is committed to maintaining the privacy of Program members' personal information. Click there for more information on the AR AMAR K CampusDish Program Privacy Policy.


Neither ARAMARK, it’s affiliates nor any of its or their respective officers or directors have any responsibility or liability for any expense, loss, cost, injury, damage, delay, travel cancellation, accident or any other matter or thing what so ever (collectively, "Costs"), however suffered or caused (including compensatory, incidental, indirect, special, punitive , consequential  or exemplary damages or damages for loss of income or profits), directly or indirectly arising out of or related to: (i) the Program or your participation in the Program ; (ii) any failure , delay or decision by ARAMA K or its agents, partners or suppliers in administering the Program or amending these Terms and Conditions; (iii) unauthorized use of your ARAMARK CampusDish (student) Card; (iv) any offer, representation, statement or claim about the Program , any agent, partner or supplier or their products or services, made by an agent, partner, supplier or  any other person; or (v) the purchase , redemption for or use of any goods or services of CampusDish program providers, agents, partners or suppliers, including any Program awards, whether made available by ARAMARK, any of its affiliates, agents, partners, suppliers or otherwise.

This applies even if ARAMARK or its representatives are advised of the possibility of such Costs.


THE ARAMARK CampusDish PROGRAM AND ITS AGENTS PROVIDE ITS WEBSITE AND SERVICES "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. THE PROGRAM SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.  Some states do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties, so the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you. ARAMARK does not represent or warrant that the information in its CampusDish website is accurate, complete or current.

ARAMARK agrees to abide by Clients current refund policy for remaining meal balances and existing deadlines related to established times at the end of each semester beyond which students are no longer able to charge to their student account.


The ARAMARK CampusDish Program reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend or terminate the Program , to add, delete or change Program partners or suppliers, and to alter, limit, modify or add to the ARAMARK CampusDish Program rules, regulations, terms and conditions including, without limitation, the modification or update of these Terms and  Conditions. ARAMARK may make these changes to any aspect of the Program, all without prior notice at any time and from time to time.

ARAMARK agrees to abide by Clients current refund policy for remaining meal balances and existing deadlines related to established times at the end of each semester beyond which students are no longer able to charge to their student account.


All names, logos and marks appearing in the CampusDish website are, except as otherwise noted, trademarks or service marks owned or licensed by ARAMARK or its affiliates in the United States of America . The use or misuse of these trademarks or service marks or any other content on the CampusDish website, except as expressly permitted in writing by ARAMARK, is strictly prohibited.

Any works of art reproduced on our website may not be reproduced in any medium for any purpose whatsoever. The copyright in the material contained in the CampusDish site belongs to and remains with ARAMARK. Your access to it doe s not imply a license to re produce and/or distribute this information and you are not allowed to do so without our prior written consent/


These Terms and Conditions may be different from what you know about the Program. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and ARAMARK regarding your participation in the Program, and your entitlement to any other benefits of the Program, and supersede all previous versions. Except an expressly contained in these Terms and Conditions, there are no conditions, representations, warranties, express or implied, statutory or otherwise.

When you deal with ARAMARK over the Internet, you consent to the formation of contractual relations through electronic communications. ARAMARK is the final authority as to the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions and as to any other questions or disputes regarding the Program or any related award

Promotions are not transferable and are not redeemable for cash, gift cards, credit, or toward previous purchases.  Other exclusions may apply.  Void where prohibited.  Additional restrictions may apply.  Aramark reserves the right to cancel or modify any promotion or offer at any time.  Refer to each Promotion’s respective materials for additional details, instructions, and requirements.